

In order to apply the instance states, VisualOps requires an agent, named opsagent, to be deployed on the instances. This agent maintains a WebSocket connection with our endpoint to send and receive states. Compared with other DevOps agent's polling mechanisms, WebSocket allows the states to be pushed to the agent immediately, making the execution much faster. Once receiving the states, opsagent will immediately begin to apply them repeatedly, until you issue a new state.

opsagent uses a modified version of Salt to do the actual configuration work. However there is no need for you to learn Salt itself, nor write in the Salt format. We have built a thin wrapper on top of Salt to make defining an instance state incredibly simple.

opsagent and the modified Salt version are both open-sourced and can be found at our Github repo: [1] and [2].

In order for VisualOps to work, opsagent will be installed on your instances. The sources of opsagent are open, and can be found here

Instance Userdata

In order to initialize opsagent, VisualOps uses the instance userdata to start the bootstrap sequence, generating a root cron script

Location & Virtualenv

CAUTION: please take care to not manually edit any of the files located under these emplacements

opsagent will be setup in the following directories on your instances:

  • /opt/visualops source code and virtual environment
  • /var/lib/visualops generated files and scripts
  • /var/log/visualops log files
  • /etc/opsagent.conf generated config file

Note: opsagent and all dependencies are deployed in a virtualenv, to prevent any impact to the hosting instance

Manual Setup

In some cases, the agent can not bootstrap automatically (i.e some custom AMIs). In this case, you will have to bootstrap the agent manually

If you want to bootstrap the agent manually, simply ssh to the instance and run the following command (as root):

# curl -sSL | bash


Under the hood, opsagent uses a modified version of Salt to perform the actual state execution. By default, opsagent will clone our fork of Salt to /opt/visualops/bootstrap/salt

State Execution

Opsagent loops to execute the state list (a.k.a Recipe) sent from VisualOps (a.k.a Round), to ensure the instance runs as predefined. Like other DevOps tools (Puppet, Chef, Ansible), Idempotent is required

Luckily, this is already solved in Salt

Within a round, opsagent goes through the recipe sequentially, in the same order as the list is shown in the IDE, to execute the states one by one:

  • If a state execution fails, opsagent will restart from the beginning of the round
  • If the state still fails, opsagent will cease the round, wait and retry the recipe from the beginning
  • For the case of comment # state, opsagent simply skips over
  • For the case of wait state, opsagent will wait for the DONE message from VisualOps to proceed
  • Whenever a new recipe is received, the current round will immediately cease, and a new round will start
  • When opsagent receives the UPGRADE message, it will continue the current round and perform the upgrade until the round finishes


Opsagent is directly deployed from the tarballs present in the public S3 bucket (https://s3.amazonaws.com/opsagent/x.y/opsagent.tgz - where x.y is the version number)

The tarball is maintained and updated by VisualOps team for each release

If a new version is available:

  • when you try to launch a new app, the latest version of opsagent will be automatically deployed in the app's instances
  • when you open an app in the IDE, a notification will show up, you have the option to choose whether to upgrade the opsagent in the app, and select the version you want to use
  • if you decide to upgrade, the process will be taken immediately to the running instance; for those stopped instances, the upgrade will be completed as soon as the instances boot

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